10 Best Ways to Make Myself Smarter

 10 Ways to Make Myself Smarter

How can I make myself smarter? When you ask yourself this question, the answer might seem simple: Read more books! Or maybe it’s to take that class you’ve been wanting to take at the local college. But it turns out there are many ways to make yourself smarter, and some of them aren’t quite so clear-cut as reading more books or going back to school. Here are 10 ways to make myself smarter that will help you learn new skills and gain knowledge in your everyday life. Start with one that sounds interesting and see where it takes you!

How can I make myself smarter? When you ask yourself this question, the answer might seem simple: Read more books! Or maybe it’s to take that class you’ve been wanting to take at the local college. But it turns out there are many ways to make yourself smarter, and some of them aren’t quite so clear-cut as reading more books or going back to school. Here are 10 ways to make myself smarter that will help you learn new skills and gain knowledge in your everyday life. Start with one that sounds interesting and see where it takes you!

Put The Phone Down

In today’s world, we have a lot of distractions pulling at our attention. It seems that every moment is either reserved for multitasking or commandeered by another person with a problem. For example, we’re not just getting alerts on our phones anymore—we’re also getting e-mails, texts, and messages from coworkers via Slack. There are legitimate reasons for checking these notifications—for example, if you get an alert from your company alerting you of a customer issue—but most of us check our phones out of habit rather than necessity. To smart yourself up and become more productive in 2017, resolve to put your phone down (or at least turn off its ringer) when you need complete focus on a single task.

Look Up From The Screen

The amount of time we spend staring at our phones is, honestly, alarming. Smartphones are great for a lot of things, but it’s important to take breaks from checking your email every five minutes. Setting aside time each day when you can look up from your screen (even if just for a few minutes) is not only good for your mind but also makes your eyes feel better and reduces long-term eye strain. Invest in a few plants or another creative outlet that doesn’t involve staring at any screens (and make sure they’re within sight while you work). You might be surprised by how much more relaxed you feel after just a short period of time.

Listen to Books While Driving

We've all heard it: too much time in front of a screen is bad for you. But how do we know for sure? A recent study found that people who read books were more perceptive than those who did not and that readers were able to better recall details from a text. The study authors suggest reading can expand our cognitive capacity. If you feel your mind has become dulled by over-screens, try listening to an audiobook while driving instead—you may be surprised at how engaging audio books can be. If you’re worried about not concentrating, try taking notes as you listen or give yourself a short quiz afterward.

Read Regularly

To keep your brain sharp, make sure you read something every day that isn’t required for work. Reading helps develop your vocabulary and thinking skills, and it also expands your world view. You might not feel as if you have time to read anything other than work-related material during your busy day, but whenever you have a few spare minutes — on a bus or train ride home from work, during a break at lunchtime — try jotting down notes about what interests you in what you’re reading. If nothing piques your interest today, revisit an old favorite; rereading books is one of our favorite ways to expand our brains' capacity.

Invest In A Personal Coach

One of my favorite pieces of advice I ever received was also one of the simplest: if you want to do something, find someone who's doing it and do what they're doing. For example, if you want to go hiking more often, try signing up for a local hiking group or going on social media and searching out people who like hiking in your area. If there are no groups, create one! I love professional personal coaches for several reasons but mainly because most professional athletes have them (I've never met an amateur athlete with a coach), so why shouldn't we? A personal coach is essentially someone who will hold you accountable and help you reach your goals.

Practice Memory Games Every Day

Studies show that memory games are an effective way to increase overall cognitive ability. There are many types of memory games that you can play for free online. You can also find a large variety of fun board games, like chess, checkers and sudoku, which also have high levels of mental stimulation. Playing these sorts of puzzle-type board games is a great way to make yourself smarter.

Write A Journal Entry Every Day

Just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, keeping a journal is something we should all do everyday. Journaling strengthens our mind's ability to concentrate and think clearly; it helps us express ourselves more effectively; and it also provides an outlet for our emotions, making us less susceptible to depression. The result? A healthier lifestyle overall. Commit yourself to writing in your journal every day for just 30 days and you'll be surprised by how much you learn about yourself. You might even find that it becomes addictive! Remember: keeping a daily journal doesn't necessarily have to involve pen and paper either — there are plenty of online apps available that make documenting your life as easy as can be.

Have a Question of the Day

If you aren’t asking yourself questions, then you aren’t learning anything. The act of questioning teaches us how to become better thinkers, which in turn makes us smarter. But asking too many questions isn’t necessarily beneficial either—even a good question can be damaging if asked at a bad time or with poor intention. So pick a question, and keep it at your fingertips. When things go wrong in life, turn to that question as a way of trying to right things. You may not always get an answer immediately, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one out there waiting for you somewhere down the line.

Exercise Your Brain Daily

We’re all familiar with Einstein’s genius quote, you can’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it. Unfortunately, solving problems is what keeps us mentally sharp. So we need to exercise our brain every day. This can include working on crossword puzzles, playing strategic games like chess or poker and reading challenging materials like novels or philosophy books. By keeping your mind active, you will keep your brain sharp and become smarter over time.

Participate in Trivia Quizzes Online

Trivia games are a fun way to enhance your knowledge and intelligence. These online quizzes provide questions on a wide range of topics, including science, history, sports, literature and much more. Plus, these games provide you with an opportunity to win real cash by challenging other players in trivia competitions. If you're looking for ways to become smarter or learn new information in a fun way, try playing trivia quizzes online!


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